"First day of school, who will I meet?
Where is my cubby? Where is my seat?"

Follow a child's day through Spanish immersion school with I Know How to Hola!
In English with Spanish translation below, 'I Know How to Hola' has 70 basic vocabulary words and beautiful illustrations. Also three fun activity pages and glossary.
All books are hardback, with dust jacket, so you can keep them to remember the early years of school.
"What you learn is forever, and yours to hold. Now and for always, it's better than gold."- I Know How to Ni Hao.

For children learning Mandarin Chinese!
Be sure to have your child's teacher and classmates sign it, so you can keep it as a precious memento of your child's younger years.
In English with Chinese character and pinyin translation below, 'I Know How to Ni Hao' has basic vocabulary words, amazing illustrations with activity pages and glossary.
Available now on Amazon
"It is a true blessing, you will see in the end, how loverly it is, to turn strangers to friends."

Truly a keepsake book for a child learning one of the most beautiful languages in the world, French.
In English with translation in French below. 'I Know How to Bon Jour' is a wonderful book for children learning French. Over 75 basic vocabulary words with activity pages and glossary.

Ni Hao
Immersion: the act of plunging into something that surrounds or covers.

Delightful and educational books about a child’s first day in immersion school, full of excitement, joy and questions. Written in simple rhyming verse and illustrated beautifully, the child soon realizes
‘We’re alike more than different, we sing, laugh and play, And learning new languages opens a way...’.

Bon Jour